he kissed me
13 years ago
he married me
5 years ago
his kiss still makes me blush...
dreams, musings, personal mythology
The fig, of course. She answered.
A diamond does not nourish my body yet has the power to harm my soul. She replied.
It is not the actual diamond, but what it represents. Today, a diamond represents wealth and poverty -- the wealth of earthly possessions and the poverty of spiritual enlightenment. A diamond represents ego and attachment to the material world. She bit into one of her breakfast figs.
On the contrary, I will use diamonds just not make them the center of attention. Plus, you asked what I would prefer YOU give ME as a GIFT. She laughed.
mylar bone landscape
fourteen-thousand dollar photographs
planning an exhibit
greek feud
caressing hair
tank top strap
laryngitis necklace
black olive
déjà vu
las tremendas tetas
el nica viejo y vulgar
the temptation top
travel writing
fertility clock
dreaming of babies
can't always get what you want
reading coffee cup: volcanic mountain of ghosts
¿por qué no te callas?
soy mamisma o mamista
y ni lo sabia...
no es exactamente lo opuesto del machismo
no es exactamente lo mismo del feminismo
mamisma es
una fuerza feroz y femenina
una fuerza natural y maternal
compasión con amor
soy mamista
y mi alma siempre lo sabia...
Gracias Isabel Allende...un placer conocerte anoche...
I. You shall love beauty, which is the shadow of God
over the Universe.
II. There is no godless art. Although you love not the
Creator, you shall bear witness to Him/Her creating His/Her likeness.
III. You shall create beauty not to excite the senses
but to give sustenance to the soul.
IV. You shall never use beauty as a pretext for luxury
and vanity but as a spiritual devotion.
V. You shall not seek beauty at carnival or fair
or offer your work there, for beauty is virginal
and is not to be found at carnival or fair.
VI. Beauty shall rise from your heart in song,
and you shall be the first to be purified.
VII. The beauty you create shall be known
as compassion and shall console the hearts of men.
VIII. You shall bring forth your work as a mother
brings forth her child: out of the blood of your heart.
IX. Beauty shall not be an opiate that puts you
to sleep but a strong wine that fires you to action,
for if you fail to be a true man or a true woman,
you will fail to be an artist.
X. Each act of creation shall leave you humble,
for it is never as great as your dream and always
inferior to that most marvelous dream of God
which is Nature.
"I love waves; I wish I had some in my hair. My daddy did, but I guess I didn't dive into that end of the gene pool. Virginia Woolf wrote my favorite book, The Waves, and I have a son who surfs them. I danced a thousand dances to Patti Smith's song "Wave" and I've waved a thousand good-byes. I've seen waves come and take my house, flood the same bedroom where they accompanied countless nights of lovemaking. I have ridden the waves of labor, of sorrow, and of bliss."
"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity."