Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- howling at the darkness of the new moon
- see through desires
- hold on to our center
- pero no cambia mi amor
- we waste lifetimes in the waiting
- revolución evolución
- circle of women
- you numb me
- autumn equinox
- dreaming with ancient oceans
- earth goddess
- gentle sting between us
- una noche con Federico García Lorca
- discipline
- still in love with you on this harvest moon
- all knowledge is within you
- liberated from fear
- words of wisdom
- un amor que se lleve las mentiras
- nieta de Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa
- 1961 Liberty - In God We Trust
- interdependence
- healing family secrets
- forced and phony
- beginning of a certain end
- santos que bailan
- shall we dance?
- pure expression
- HERstory: mother & daughter
- solar eclipse rainbow new moon
Friday, September 30
howling at the darkness of the new moon
Thursday, September 29
see through desires
Wednesday, September 28
hold on to our center
Tuesday, September 27
pero no cambia mi amor

Life is change...change is life.
Change is part of our transformation.
Cambia lo superficial
Cambia también lo profundo
Cambia el modo de pensar
Cambia todo en este mundo
Cambia el clima con los años
Cambia el pastor su rebaño
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Cambia el más fino brillante
De mano en mano su brillo
Cambia el nido el pajarillo
Cambia el sentir un amante
Cambia el rumbo el caminante
Aunque esto le cause daño
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Cambia, todo cambia
Cambia, todo cambia
Cambia el sol en su carrera
Cuando la noche subsiste
Cambia la planta y se viste
De verde en la primavera
Cambia el pelaje la fiera
Cambia el cabello el anciano
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Pero no cambia mi amor
Por mas lejos que me encuentre
Ni el recuerdo ni el dolor
De mi tierra y de mi gente
Y lo que cambió ayer
Tendrá que cambiar mañana
Así como cambio yo
En esta tierra lejana.
- Julio Numhauser
Monday, September 26
we waste lifetimes in the waiting
Sunday, September 25
revolución evolución
Saturday, September 24
circle of women
Friday, September 23
you numb me
Thursday, September 22
autumn equinox
the drumming begins.
we dance under the bright moonlight.
we dance in prayer, in gratitude, in celebration.
a new year, a new cycle begins with longer nights to nurture the seeds of the soul planted in fertile imagination and held in perfect balance and harmony.
let us harvest ALL the gifts the universe bestows upon us.
from my prayer journal
Wednesday, September 21
dreaming with ancient oceans
Tuesday, September 20
earth goddess
Monday, September 19
gentle sting between us
I'm a fool for that sound in your sighs.
I'm a fool for your belly.
I'm a fool for your love.
I want to make this plain.
Oh, I know your faded, but stay, don't close your eyes...
Caught in this pool held in your eyes.
Caught like a fool without a line.
We're in a natural spring,
With this gentle sting between us.
Stay, stay open..."
a favorite song I had not listened to in a long time
Sunday, September 18
una noche con Federico García Lorca
Saturday, September 17
Friday, September 16
still in love with you on this harvest moon
Just like children sleeping
We could dream this night away.
We know where the music's playing
Let's go out and feel the night.
Because I'm still in love with you
On this harvest moon.
When we were lovers
I loved you with all my heart.
I want to celebrate
See it shining in your eye.
Because I'm still in love with you
On this harvest moon."
- Neil Young
this song found me through a dear friend
detail from mixed media on canvas
Thursday, September 15
all knowledge is within you
Wednesday, September 14
liberated from fear
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
- Marianne Williamson
This quote sits on my altar and is also tucked within the pages of my journals...
Tuesday, September 13
words of wisdom
Monday, September 12
un amor que se lleve las mentiras
Sunday, September 11
nieta de Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa
a jugar con palabras
a platicar con seguridad
un genio genial y jovial de medallas y honores
el de mis amores
escucho sus consejos
segura que nos encontramos en mis sueños