"My mother is a poem I'll never be able to write, though everything I write is a poem to my mother."- Sharon Doubiago
Happy Birthday Bella Mama, Musa de mi Vida
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- his kiss still makes me blush...today
- the artist, the author
- the aztec king dressed in dreams...art is air
- remembering Estrella Maruca on her birthday
- gratitude heals
- thanksgiving recipe
- wisdom from a paper bag
- time of great change
- Madre Musa
- muse of muses
- enjoy every leaf
- art of living
- mujeres
- surrender
- drop by drop, it is time to dream & write
- magic tree
- be you
- coral dream
- Maya's Song
- in gratitude
- let the beauty of what you love be what you do - RUMI
- fearlessness
- es ella la diosa
- november roses
- begin again
- silken threads of spirit
- rain day
- layers of mermaid silk
- less than 100 years ago
- día de los muertos, día de los santos