2003 Untitled mixed media on canvas
Con lagrimas te sueño
Con lagrimas te extraño
Con lagrimas te baño
Bautizada amada NICARAGUA
Con lagrimas te siento nacer de mi vientre
Con sangre y orgullo
Con grito de guerra y fuego del mar
NICARAGUA ….Con dolor hoy te pinto
for my noble Father and his Motherland
Julia Casimira Sacasa de Checa
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- his kiss still makes me blush...
- look within
- brave enough to forgive
- Matriarchal Muse
- wisdom from a mail order catalog
- true meaning
- truthful thanksgiving
- a small-minded dinner party
- Madre Musa
- from my journals
- casimira - today
- soul gems
- Winnie-the-Pooh Wisdom
- grandmother's emeralds
- high priestess
- love
- fresa
- sculpture
- where the two worlds touch
- 11.11.11
- powerful beyond measure
- a beacon of peace
- mujeres de nicaragua
- Nicaragua con dolor hoy te pinto
- art of living
- Nicaragua: imports & exports 1962
- rains of gold dance down all around
- let's go out
- a dream of dreams
- muertos o vivos - todos somos los mismos