HERstory through ART
With words and images, I am telling my story.

Through art, I am remembering HERstory...

I've been blogging daily since 2007.

Follow me on HERE and HERE for daily posts...

S H O P online...original artwork, prints, totes, and more...


original artwork, prints and more...

Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020


Friday, December 20

staying centered

- a dear resident from the nursing home in Granada wears one of my solid sterling silver sculptures -
"I have the ability to stay poised and centered regardless of what goes before me.

The heavy is the root of the light.
The still is the master of unrest.

Realizing this, the successful person is poised and centered in the midst of all activities; although surrounded by opulence, he is not swayed.  

Why should the lord of the country flit about like a fool?  If you let yourself be blown to and fro, you lose touch with your root.  To be restless is to lose one's self-mastery. " - Dr. Wayne Dyer

I have the ability to stay poised and centered regardless of what goes before me...that is my mantra for the next few days...

As I sense others' anxiety and nervous energy, I concentrate on my breath...