he kissed me
17 years ago
he married me
9 years ago
his kiss still makes me blush...
dreams, musings, personal mythology
"...The Empress arrived that night, flashing a million golden lights like the enchanted queen that she was. Her full-skirted Dior ballgown was made of encrusted gold paillettes woven into sheer gold fabric. Other jewel-colored paillettes gleamed as she moved in the light. Crowning her elaborately upswept dark hair was an immense diamond tiara, studded with emeralds the size of robins' eggs. The same design of diamonds and emeralds made up her necklace and bracelet..."Grandmother's emeralds...in words...through strories...
- Letitia Baldrige, 1968 "Of Diamonds & Diplomats" - 1st edition