2007 untitled study for sculpture
I have so much to do that I almost don't know where to begin. The trees outside my window have begun to turn yellow - a sign that time is passing. I need to have lunch - how can I forget about eating?
excerpt from my journal
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- WRITE she whispered
- lending wings
- creating veins
- celeste
- humble
- annie lennox's fuchsia eyes
- yes & no
- so much to do
- hidden within
- petalos
- la perla nacio
- queen of the snakes
- luz azul
- take the plunge
- warrior crystal
- birthday girl
- la cueva de lava
- el santo
- el destino divino
- Antioco Sacasa Sarria
- jaula
- planta
- aspasia
- over the rainbow to OZ
- nobody or a frog
- altar
- La-Mujer-Jala
- empress emeralds
- for all teenage girls
- time
- con Ruben y Margarita