2007 mixed media color study
She visited my dreams last night and this morning. She smelled of roses when she hugged me close and told me she loved me and was so happy for me. She warned me against a certain few who would be envious and who would not hesitate to betray. Together we visited palaces and gardens. Before waking up, she embraced me and whispered into my ear, "WRITE"....
excerpt from my dream journal, from last night's dream
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- WRITE she whispered
- lending wings
- creating veins
- celeste
- humble
- annie lennox's fuchsia eyes
- yes & no
- so much to do
- hidden within
- petalos
- la perla nacio
- queen of the snakes
- luz azul
- take the plunge
- warrior crystal
- birthday girl
- la cueva de lava
- el santo
- el destino divino
- Antioco Sacasa Sarria
- jaula
- planta
- aspasia
- over the rainbow to OZ
- nobody or a frog
- altar
- La-Mujer-Jala
- empress emeralds
- for all teenage girls
- time
- con Ruben y Margarita