Human beings judge all of the time.
We judge other human beings.
We judge politicians and actors – similar professions.
We judge restaurants and fashion.
We judge books and artists.
He is an excellent judge of character.
She is an awful judge of character.
She is overweight and must be depressed.
She is underweight and must be anorexic.
He is lazy.
He is a bohemian dreamer.
The baby is so cute.
What, are you having a fourth, fifth baby?
What, you’ve been married how long and no babies?
How many languages does your child speak?
Only one, barely one…why?
You don’t go to church.
God will punish you.
Shame on you.
She has had many lovers.
She is a whore.
She is confused.
He has had many lovers.
He is a healthy, virile man.
He celebrates his manhood.
She is a virgin.
She is a pious nerd.
He is a virgin.
He is gay, perhaps in the closet.
Human beings judge all of the time, when perhaps we should LOVE all of the time...
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
- Mother Teresa
originally published in December 2007