soy mamisma o mamista
y ni lo sabia...
no es exactamente lo opuesto del machismo
no es exactamente lo mismo que feminismo
mamisma es
una fuerza feroz y femenina
una fuerza natural y maternal
compasión con amor
soy mamista
y mi alma siempre lo sabia...
Gracias Isabel Allende...
being mamisma or would it be mamista
without realizing it...
it’s not exactly the opposite of machismo
it’s not exactly the same as feminism
mamisma is
a fierce feminine force
a natural and maternal force
compassion with love
I am mamista
and my soul has always known it...
Thank you Isabel Allende...
originally published in November 2007 after embracing Isabel Allende
it has been polished and extended since then, inspiring a series of images