detail from a self-portrait
are we exactly where we are suppose to be?
does everything really happen for a reason?
for the best?
last night I dreamed with ghosts.
this morning I wrote about them.
I am painting with him at my side
he hands me a rose petal and laughs
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- believe
- dulzura & calor
- share it
- let go
- dreams
- stay open
- healing begins
- house of angels
- in my dreams
- es ella
- self-denial
- echoes of the thirst
- for the best
- Rubén Darío
- Azarías H. Pallais
- ombligo de la diosa
- mama mia, mama linda
- Alexander McQueen
- trees telling me secrets
- more snow?
- cardinal
- give thanks
- diapers & peanut butter
- dreams
- no importance
- sit quietly doing nothing
- hand in hand
- 18 months