my son's hand covered in volcanic sands & salt waters
let us play with Her
let us explore
let us search
let us discover
She invites us
let us bathe in Blessed Mother Earth
juguemos con Ella
Ella nos invita
bañemonos en Madre Tierra Bendita
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- halloween night
- eye of the tree, I of the tree
- no coincidence wise women
- nature heals
- laughing at the sky
- renew
- her secret is patience
- Madre Tierra, Mother Earth
- Carlos & Tess: Toddler Missed Connection, Nationa...
- patience, passion, persistence
- sensual nature
- casimira necklace
- do you know how to draw the moon?
- dream stories
- el ombligo de la diosa
- birthday girl philosophy
- contemplating external mysteries while sipping tru...
- compassion from my window
- 33 men emerge into the light
- hoy te pinto de celeste
- women of light, mujeres de luz
- 10.10.10
- all we are saying is give peace a chance
- blue skies & fairy-tales
- new moon in libra
- inner rhythm
- wander & hunt
- silver liquid singing kisses
- new beginnings
- y luz infinita
- our songs