HERstory through ART
With words and images, I am telling my story.

Through art, I am remembering HERstory...

I've been blogging daily since 2007.

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original artwork, prints and more...

Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020


Sunday, December 26

let us be a light

"Lord, make me a channel of your peace,

That where there is hatred,I may bring love:

Where there is wrong,I may bring the spirit of forgiveness:

Where there is discord,I may bring harmony:

Where there is error,I may bring truth:

Where there is doubt,I may bring faith:

Where there is despair,I may bring hope:

Where there are shadows,I may bring light:

Where there is sadness,I may bring joy:

Lord, grant I may seek rather

To comfort than to be comforted;

To understand than to be understood;

To love than to be loved;

For it is by forgetting self

That one finds,

It is by forgiving

That one is forgiven,

It is by dying

That one awakens to eternal life.


- "Prayer for Peace" by Mother Teresa and The Sisters of Charity

adapted from the Prayer of St. Francis