nací siendo la primera nieta de
Antioco Sacasa Sarria
mi Papa-Coco de ojos azules
Papa-Coco quien me contaba cuentos
historias reales
leyendas maravillosas
con guitarra y voz dulce
Papa-Coco siento su mirada en cielos celestes
Papa-Coco escucho sus consejos con amor
ya que siempre nos encontramos en mis sueños
Beloved Grand Father,
How I wish you were still walking this planet, holding my son's hand.
Although, I am certain you are already great friends.
Mi Papa-Coco de mis sueños...
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- Princess Diana: a free spirit
- speak your truth
- improve the world
- become its soul
- dare to discover
- support of the woman
- inner world
- legend
- ideas
- people
- eternal feminine
- Papa-Coco de mis sueños
- silver liquid kisses
- aloud
- she shall dance the freedom of women
- woolf wisdom
- play like yourself
- to love anyone else
- shadow of love
- child of destiny
- as a mother loves
- only one of you in all of time
- interwoven moments
- always
- Estrella Maruca
- all we are saying
- create the world you want
- braver stronger smarter
- patience and wisdom
- just sing a song
- celebrating four years of majestic motherhood