2007 "GREENTAPE" photographic study
"At school Meg was tired and her eyelids sagged and her mind wandered. In social studies she was asked to name the principle imports and exports of Nicaragua, and though she had looked them up dutifully the evening before, now she could remember none of them. The teacher was sarcastic, the rest of the class laughed, and she flung herself down in her seat in a fury. “Who cares about the imports and exports of Nicaragua, anyhow?” she muttered."
© 1962 Madeleine L’Engle from her book “A Wrinkle In Time"
which I am currently re-reading thanks to B.C. in N.Y.C.
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- el reino de los duendes
- she is waking up
- do you ?
- woman in horse skirt
- gratitude equals happiness
- a happiness state of mind
- having fun & being grateful
- the perfect cream puff
- a new world is born
- moon to sun
- shaman
- sun to moon
- message of the wind
- nicaragua: imports & exports 1962
- goddess of wind
- ángel de los plátanos
- a perfect pair
- the little hand
- diosa de piedra azul
- foot
- mujer de amarillo
- the walk
- yogurt & opera
- wings of imagination
- believe nothing
- coral, pearl & diamond dream
- a favorite poem
- rude with poor manners
- total lunar eclipse
- frescos
- feather on my shoulder