2007 "PINK PEAR" photographic mixed media study
Her beauty captivated him.
She possessed perfect curves and firm flawless skin.
He dressed her with jewels and asked her to pose.
He adored her adorning him.
The days passed and she matured,
loosing firmness and gaining sweetness.
When he finally remembered her, she was almost too old.
He delicately washed her, peeling away layers.
Swiftly without hesitation, he carved and covered her with dough...
...transforming his once perfect pear into a tart.
from “Conversations with Fruit” a series in progress
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- el reino de los duendes
- she is waking up
- do you ?
- woman in horse skirt
- gratitude equals happiness
- a happiness state of mind
- having fun & being grateful
- the perfect cream puff
- a new world is born
- moon to sun
- shaman
- sun to moon
- message of the wind
- nicaragua: imports & exports 1962
- goddess of wind
- ángel de los plátanos
- a perfect pair
- the little hand
- diosa de piedra azul
- foot
- mujer de amarillo
- the walk
- yogurt & opera
- wings of imagination
- believe nothing
- coral, pearl & diamond dream
- a favorite poem
- rude with poor manners
- total lunar eclipse
- frescos
- feather on my shoulder