HERstory through ART
With words and images, I am telling my story.

Through art, I am remembering HERstory...

I've been blogging daily since 2007.

Follow me on HERE and HERE for daily posts...

S H O P online...original artwork, prints, totes, and more...


original artwork, prints and more...

Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020


Saturday, June 30

full moon

2007 mixed media

blue moon

rose moon

strawberry moon

full moon tonight

2007 mixed media

Friday, June 29

chakra balance

2006 mixed media detail

chakra balance


health and happiness

Thursday, June 28


2007 Untitled mixed media
hope for today.

hope for tomorrow.

hope for peace.

hope for love.

hope for light.

hope for children.

hope for mothers.

hope for fathers.

hope for families.

hope for hope.

Wednesday, June 27

healing chant

one of my beloved buddhas wearing a mixed media sculpture
Just as the soft rains fill the streams,
pour into the rivers, and join together in the oceans,
so may the power of every moment of your goodness
flow forth to awaken and heal all beings--
those here now, those gone before, those yet to come.

By the power of every moment of your goodness,
may your heart's wishes be soon fulfilled
as completely shining as the bright full moon,
as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem.

By the power of every moment of your goodness,
may all dangers be averted and all disease be gone.
May no obstacle come across your way.
May you enjoy fulfillment and long life.

For all in whose heart dwells respect,
who follow the wisdom and compassion, of the Way,
may your life prosper in the four blessings
of old age, beauty, happiness and strength.

- Traditional Buddhist Blessing & Healing Chant

Tuesday, June 26

dangerous beauty

She was beautiful and she knew it.

Her skin was alabaster with mother-of-pearl iridescence.

She dressed in layers of flowing, transparent chiffon veils that floated around her long and slender ethereal body.

She pouted thick, sensual, hungry lips resembling only those of Angelina.

Her enormous dark eyes bulged out just enough.

She chased after him.

Had she no pride?

She pursued him, kissing him desperately, almost biting him.

Was she ready to mate?

Do fish have sex...?

notes upon observing a fish tank in a waiting room
2007 quick sketch of the dangerous beauty

Monday, June 25

why am i here?

Why was I born?

Why am I alive today?

Why do I exist?

What is my purpose in this life?

What am I going to do with the rest of my life?


Sunday, June 24


2007 UntitledEverything is ready. The time has arrived. He and I have jumped into our dreams and now just need to enjoy the journey, the flying adventure...

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin

Saturday, June 23

emerald dream

2007 Untitled mixed media
Her world had become green...alive with mother’s bounty. As she reached for the earth, she discovered emeralds all around; she found hope. Her energies went from serpent to butterfly in cyclic dance and harmony, she was neither one nor the other, but both. She had merged with Mother Nature.

Friday, June 22

prayer for peace

2007 mixed media
Lord, make me a channel of your peace,

That where there is hatred,I may bring love:

Where there is wrong,I may bring the spirit of forgiveness:

Where there is discord,I may bring harmony:

Where there is error,I may bring truth:

Where there is doubt,I may bring faith:

Where there is despair,I may bring hope:

Where there are shadows,I may bring light:

Where there is sadness,I may bring joy:

Lord, grant I may seek rather

To comfort than to be comforted;

To understand than to be understood;

To love than to be loved;

For it is by forgetting self
That one finds,

It is by forgiving
That one is forgiven,

It is by dying
That one awakens to eternal life.

- "Prayer for Peace" by Mother Teresa and The Sisters of Charity
adapted from the Prayer of St. Francis

one of my favorite prayers

Thursday, June 21

summer solstice

2007 ideas coming together
sun king and mother earth


wedding of heaven and earth

dance around the fire

be cleansed and purified

sing with joy

remove unwanted things…unwanted obstacles

cleanse and purify with the rays of fire

manifest heart’s desire

sun and earth

male and female


primal creative forces

god and goddess


powers of union of god and goddess




I could not sleep. I meditated. I prayed. I practiced my asanas and pranayama. It was then that I realized that the SUN was calling me, asking me to greet him this morning of mornings, the Summer Solstice...With praying hands I face the sun, feeling love and joy in my heart. I stretch up my hands and let the sun fill me with warmth. I bow before the sun’s radiance and place my face to the ground with humble respect. I lift my face to the sun and then remember, to achieve such heights, I must be as the dust of the earth. I stretch up towards its light trying to reach the greatest heights and again surrender. I stand tall as I remember the true sun is within me...

Wednesday, June 20

the dog model

Duchess, my Mom's adorable puppyDON’T MOVE -- she whispered in excitement.

As I flowed from COBRA into DOG, our guest yoga instructor asked me to hold my pose while the rest of the class watched. There I was, on all fours, facing down, with my J.Lo in the air, while she used me as a model:

Her body is an inverted V – she has achieved a straight line from hands to shoulders to hips with straight arms and ideal Adhomukha Svanasana. This pose stimulates energy levels and rejuvenates the entire body. It is meant to resemble the shape of a dog stretching itself out.

The demonstration seemed to last forever. After class, everyone thanked me for my Downward Facing Dog. I suspect Duchess would be proud...

Tuesday, June 19

no good in a bed

2007 Untitled
"I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: no good in a bed, but fine up against a wall."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

this quote cracks me up...I am still laughing as I type...

Monday, June 18

our bodies

2007 Untitled self-portrait of mixed media
When you look in the mirror who do you see?

When you find a new little wrinkle what do you blame?

A gray hair? Is it really time to despair?

An extra pound or two? Is that important to you?

Our bodies are not eternal, our souls are.

Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi...

Sunday, June 17

hero - king - father

He is my HERO.

He is my KING.

He is my FATHER.

honouring all fathers on this day

Saturday, June 16

paris in june

...and so they decided that they would visit Paris every June for the rest of their lives. Paris was where they first met and became friends. Paris was where they flirted with child-like innocence and play. Paris had witnessed their first embrace and their very first French-kiss. Paris had baptized them with showers of passion and joy... (excerpt from a short story in progress)

Paris in June....I can visit Paris at any moment...

First, I put on my favorite French music and begin to sing along...and dance like Isadora Duncan...

Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
VoilĂ  le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque chose

While singing and dancing barefoot, I open a bottle of French red wine or champagne or Perrier depending on my mood and budget...include a fresh baguette with brie, oui, oui ...perhaps read some AnaĂŻs Nin...nous sommes Ă  Paris...

Although not necessary, it is fun to invite a friend to Paris...even better, take your lover also happens to be my husband who happens to be part French.

Friday, June 15

family of light

2007 Untitled mixed media study for sculpture
There was darkness all around her. She seemed to be the only light and this terrified her to tears. Where was her Spiritual Family? In fear, she almost gave in. Out of shame, she almost abandoned her flame. Then she remembered. She remembered she was once a star born from galaxies before time. Through breathing and praying, through stretching and meditating she remembered. She was light and light is what this planet earth needed most of all. In remembering, she began finding her family of light, one by one, light by light.

Thursday, June 14

dancer of the future

Isadora dancing with diamond light above 2007 mixed media

"...The dancer of the future will be one whose body and soul have grown so harmoniously together that the natural language of that soul will have become the movement of the body. The dancer will not belong to a nation but to all humanity. She will dance not in the form of a nymph, nor fairy, nor coquette but in the form of a woman in its greatest and purest expression. She will realize the mission of woman's body and the holiness of all its parts. She will dance the changing life of nature, showing how each part is transformed into the other. From all parts of her body shall shine radiant intelligence, bringing to the world the message of the thoughts and aspirations of thousands of women. She shall dance the freedom of women ..."

excerpt from “The Dancer of The Future” by Isadora Duncan in 1903

Wednesday, June 13

sun salutation prayer

2007 Untitled mixed media
With praying hands I face the sun, feeling love and joy in my heart.

I stretch up my hands and let the sun fill me with warmth.

I bow before the sun's radiance and place my face to the ground with humble respect.

I lift my face to the sun and then remember, to achieve such heights, I must be as the dust of the earth.

I stretch up towards its light trying to reach the greatest heights and again surrender.

I stand tall as I remember the true sun is within me.

-- Ancient Verse, author unknown

Tuesday, June 12

Mona de Seda

- detail from mixed media on paper, 2006 -
...The little monkey had accomplished everything she ever set out to do. She had traveled throughout various jungles and supposedly spoke several languages, including Elephant, Weasel and Worm.

She proudly displayed stacks of rings on all four paws, one for each lover. She was famous at last, or at the very least infamous. Still, she did not feel satisfied. Mona hungered for more...MORE...MORE... She had become addicted to power, or the idea of it. With time and bananas, Mona became First Monkey of her land...but would she ever learn to wear silk?

excerpt from a short story entitled "Mona de Seda" about an ambitious little monkey named Mona who dreams of wearing silk

Monday, June 11

learning mistake

2007 Untitled color study


- Anne Wilson Schaef

Sunday, June 10

circle of goddesses

2007 Untitled mixed media detail

As the music started, the sun began to blush while the wind continued to breathe. One by one, they slowly emerged from the depths of the earth. Moving with rhythms of nature, the goddesses created a sacred circle and danced in beauty and dreams.

Saturday, June 9

definition: happiness

just some of my stones

"I heard a definition once: Happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I'd invented it, because it is very true." - AUDREY HEPBURN

I agree with Audrey...but must add that happiness is something I aspire to each day and each moment...I look for the happy-bubbles in life...they are everywhere...and yes, once I forgive I tend to forget...

Friday, June 8

flying in gold & diamonds

2007 Untitled mixed media study for brooch
...I had become a sunlit bird with claws of solid gold, eyes and beak of diamond...with a magnificent moon pearl between my wings I flew into my memories, into the past, into my gold and diamonds I flew over the black-sandy beaches of my childhood...

excerpt from a recent dream

Thursday, June 7

sacred vessel

2007 "VESSEL" mixed media sacred vessel of wisdom

sacred vessel of knowledge

I honour you

I venerate you

sacred vessel, human body

temple of my soul

holding my power

nurturing my dreams

sacred vessel, I am...

Wednesday, June 6

little bird & buddha

2007 Untitled mixed media
Little Bird hatched from Mother’s ancient crystals with a precious gem balanced upon its beak.

“Why am I here?” Little Bird asked Water Buddha.

Little Bird, you are here to live.
To breathe and to fly.
To laugh and to cry.
Little Bird, you are here to die.

“To die? But have I not just now begun to live? I do not understand.” Little Bird cried.

Little Bird, life would not exist without death.
And really, death is but re-birth.
Little Bird, you have always been and shall always be.

excerpt from short story

Tuesday, June 5

saving memories

2007 Untitled mixed media
"You never realize how much your mother loves you till you explore the attic - and find every letter you ever sent her, every finger painting, clay pot, bead necklace, Easter chicken, cardboard Santa Claus, paper-lace Mother's Day card and school report since day one."
- Pam Brown

I save letters, photos, ribbons...I suppose I save memories

Monday, June 4

pomegranate kiss

2007 "POMEGRANATE KISS" mixed media
Eve had the infamous apple

Persephone her pomegranate

...what is your fruit?

your temptation and pleasure?

Sunday, June 3

goddess of the sea

2007 "GODDESS" mixed media
goddess of the sea


you belong to me

write of my lovers

sing of my pirates

dance with my waves

make gems of the soul

goddess of the sea

mother nature and me

excerpt from “The Goddess Speaks” a manuscript in progress

Saturday, June 2

feeling inferior?

2007 Untitled mixed media
Have you ever felt as if all eyes were on you?
That others watched and studied every move you made?
Some even judged - your smile, your dress, your weight...

When this happens, I remind myself of these words of wisdom:

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Then I turn around, bless them silently and enjoy the attention as if I were on stage with an audience...

Friday, June 1


she felt alone
and out of fear and lack of faith
wrapped in low self-esteem,
she went back to him
...he who had hurt her
he who had shown his true colors

did she not believe her sisters?
did she not trust her soul?

she was never as alone as when she was with him...

excerpt from a series of writings on women's fears