items on my desk
You are being processed.
You have been approved.
- check-out clerk at grocery store
do you approve of him?
do you approve of her?
do they approve of you?
whose approval do we seek?
why must we be approved?
why must we approve?
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- heart & soul
- moving to nature's rhythms
- hope for hope
- excavating wisdom
- sequins & crystal
- service
- Camilo Zapata
- open window
- message
- solstice sun-day
- dreams last night
- rain & sun
- connection
- vestida de agua
- space of peace
- approval
- mermaid dreams
- limes of love
- food as family
- awaking all the senses
- she has a secret
- young creative spirit
- embrace the entire world
- la canción
- island priestess
- she believes
- box of dreams
- pintando su alma
- adventure
- woman