"Wisdom is sweeter than honey, brings more joy than wine, illumines more than the sun, is more precious than jewels.
She causes the ears to hear and the heart to comprehend. I love her like a mother, and she embraces me as her own child. I will follow her footprints and she will not cast me away."
- Makeda, Queen of Sheba (ca. 960/1000 B.C.)
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- singing
- shift relationship with time
- know beauty all the days of your life
- new moon in libra
- love & serve all
- why are you hiding?
- into memory & imagination
- longer nights, inner journeys
- how do we properly foster our seeds for growth?
- self-esteem & growth
- high-energy levels
- do
- dreams
- stronger & wiser
- te invento de recuerdos
- Padre Pallais
- miracle
- another way, through moonlight
- harvesting dreams under moonlight
- amado abuelo
- how do we remember?
- renew
- simplify
- do not forget to dream
- elegant strength
- alignment
- four blessings: old age, beauty, happiness & strength
- call back wasted energy
- monitor inner dialogue
- Queen of Sheba