"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
- Harriet Tubman (approximately 1818–1913)
contemplating patience, passion and persistence...
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- great pumpkin
- hidden meaning serving evolution
- rain
- 49 years young
- patience passion persistence
- birthing new beginnings
- your cloth
- spiral
- my chest, an open window
- rebirth, healing & wisdom
- what is on your altar?
- you can do anything
- shift relationship with time through forgiveness
- divine mother goddess - ocean of compassion
- awake
- birthday girl
- renewal
- las lluvias de mi tierra me enseñaron lecciones
- traveler's prayer
- con luna llena y sol fuerte
- full moon
- blessing
- happy 71st
- she is a tree
- she who heals
- healing truth
- beautiful
- mystery & miracle
- beauty & dreams
- hunting
- casimira on stage