HERstory through ART
With words and images, I am telling my story.

Through art, I am remembering HERstory...

I've been blogging daily since 2007.

Follow me on HERE and HERE for daily posts...

S H O P online...original artwork, prints, totes, and more...


original artwork, prints and more...

Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020


Monday, December 3

three little words

detail from one of my pieces
I had spent all day working in my studio.

After yoga, I showered and got ready.

I dreaded seeing so many women all at once, but I figured it could only help prepare me for Tuesday and Wednesday.

I felt beautiful...simple, elegant and timeless without trying too hard.

I felt beautiful until she uttered three little words:

...te veo gordita...

Why should the opinion of another affect me so much? Is it because I am overweight? Is it because the truth hurts?

It has everything to do with me, and absolutely nothing to do with her. I have an issue with my weight. A rebellious side of me refuses to join the popular club of Underweight Hungry Women.

I am more than what I weigh.

I am more than my beautiful body.

I am more...three little words...I AM MORE...