2007 mixed media self-portrait study
me visto de rojo
del rojo volcán
me visto de mar
del mar mas profundo
me visto de amor
amor como ninguno
me visto de flor
flor de calor, flor de sol
me visto de mariposas
porque ellas son misteriosas y poderosas
i dress in red
volcanic red
i dress in sea
the deepest sea
i dress in love
love like no other
i dress in flowers
flowers of the sun
i dress in butterflies
because they are mysterious and powerful
originally written in Spanish - the translation is never quite the same and then how can it be? why should it be?
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- clutter
- lagrimas de miel
- the yams
- full moon
- entre sueño y calor
- nightmare
- agua fuego
- galaxies within
- yoga & writing
- exciting buddhas
- life is a spiral
- la chancha
- patient pearls
- me visto...
- picasso & me
- la princesa guajira
- hoja pintada
- poetry within
- darkness & light
- Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa
- the thirst...la sed
- detrás de una hoja azul
- esto es amor...amor al arte
- pequeña flor color pitaya
- mi ciudad colonial de arte
- nature deities
- white butterflies
- delicate & powerful
- how to respond
- Mother Mary