2007 "YAMS" mixed media color study
The Yams seemed an inseparable pair.
She-Yam was always by his side, proud and almost a tad haughty.
He-Yam was always looking down, perhaps a bit embarrassed.
She-Yam raised her head in an attempt to erase a wrinkled, sagging neck-flap.
He-Yam actually enjoyed accentuating a double chin.
The Yams were opposites, yet they were also the same.
The Yams were inseparable – until Sweet Potato came around...
from a series of silly fruit and vegetable stories in progress
Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020
- clutter
- lagrimas de miel
- the yams
- full moon
- entre sueño y calor
- nightmare
- agua fuego
- galaxies within
- yoga & writing
- exciting buddhas
- life is a spiral
- la chancha
- patient pearls
- me visto...
- picasso & me
- la princesa guajira
- hoja pintada
- poetry within
- darkness & light
- Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa
- the thirst...la sed
- detrás de una hoja azul
- esto es amor...amor al arte
- pequeña flor color pitaya
- mi ciudad colonial de arte
- nature deities
- white butterflies
- delicate & powerful
- how to respond
- Mother Mary