HERstory through ART
With words and images, I am telling my story.

Through art, I am remembering HERstory...

I've been blogging daily since 2007.

Follow me on HERE and HERE for daily posts...

S H O P online...original artwork, prints, totes, and more...


original artwork, prints and more...

Updated Daily: January 2007 - February 2020


Tuesday, November 18

Diego El Cigala

un lobo aullando sus penas a la luna azul...

a wolf howling sorrows to the blue moon...

un profeta de barba larga, susurrando secretos y misterios de otros tiempos, de otros mundos...

a prophet with a long beard, whispering secrets and mysteries from past times and other worlds...

zapatillas negras de fino tiersopelo, manteniendo el ritmo, latidos de un corazón desesperado...

black velvet slippers, keeping the rhythm, pulsations of a desperate heart...

manos largas, garras elegantes y bien cuidadas con amuletos de persignaba la frente y el escenario con gotas de un elixir color naranja que luego consumía con sed...

long hands, elegant, manicured claws clad in gold amulets....he blessed his forehead and the stage with an orange elixir he later consumed with thirst...

una noche inolvidable con Diego...

an unforgettable evening with Diego...